Mental Health Blog

Meditation, mindfulness, and self-improvement content. New articles published every Tuesday and Thursday.
a person holding a sign with a sad face on it.

How To Stop Being Emotionally Reactive: 13 Techniques That Work

When we are emotionally reactive, we tend to be more stressed. We feel angry or often hurt because we react…

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a pile of old photos and postcards sitting on top of a table.

Does Meditation Improve Memory? What Science Says and How to Meditate for Memory

Meditation has many scientific benefits. From improving focus, to lowering anxiety, to helping millions of people sleep better at night.…

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a person standing in front of a body of water.

How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome in 2023

If you feel inadequate and continuously doubt yourself, you are not alone. Many individuals experience the phenomenon known as imposter…

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a man standing on top of a lush green hillside.

15 Ways to Achieve Inner Peace

We currently live in a society where the noise of our thoughts and our anxieties tend to consume us daily.…

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a woman in a plaid shirt and hat smiling.

21 Happy Thoughts to to Brighten Your Day

Our thoughts have the power to make us happy or miserable. Replacing negative thoughts with happy thoughts is a healthy…

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an unmade bed with white sheets and pillows.

Thanatophobia: What is Death Anxiety and How to Overcome It

Most of us probably don't like to talk about death. Although we all know that death is inevitable, there can…

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