Mental Health Blog

Meditation, mindfulness, and self-improvement content. New articles published every Tuesday and Thursday.
a man sitting on the floor listening to music.

How to Practice Meditation Daily: 6 Tips to Develop the Habit

When you first begin to meditate, you may find yourself having trouble maintaining a regular practice. Life gets in the…

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how to forgive

How to Forgive When You’ve Been Hurt

Naturally, people tend to run away from pain and disappointment. That’s why it’s difficult to forgive because we never fully…

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dealing with loneliness

Dealing With Loneliness: 12 Ways to Stop Feeling Lonely

When you feel lonely, it's hard to imagine that you'll ever feel surrounded by people you love again. But you…

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a close up of a video game controller.

Anxiety Relief Games: 13 Games That Will Relax You

Gaming can be a relaxing hobby that you can turn to when you're beginning to feel the stresses of life…

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a group of people sitting next to each other using cell phones.

How to Take a Social Media Detox and Improve Your Mental Health

How often do you reach for the phone first thing in the morning and check your Twitter notifications? How often…

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a volcano erupts lava as it erupts into the air.

How to Manage Anger: 9 Tips to Gain Control When You Get Angry

Ever felt how the fire creeps from your stomach when someone cuts you off in traffic? Do you have that…

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