Guided Meditation for Peace

Guided Meditation for Peace

Bring peace to your mind and body with this simple practice.

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Most people would experience peace, if they escaped their minds long enough to live in the present. Experiencing a peaceful life is within everyone’s reach. No matter what trauma, challenges, or difficulties you face in life, there are tangible ways to live more peacefully. A good place to start is by practicing a guided meditation for peace.

Through meditation, you can find peace and tranquility to live your life with a sense of inner calm. Let’s shift to this present moment to learn more about bringing peace into your life.

What Is Meditation for Peace?

Meditation helps bring so much peace into our lives. A meditation practice is all about living in the present moment. It’s about watching those negative thoughts float in and around your mind, but then watching them disappear too. And realizing that you are not your thoughts. Thoughts are just the brain’s way of communicating to you.

The brain has two key hemispheres: the left hemisphere is where thinking arises from because it’s where language is based, whereas the right hemisphere is all about creativity. If you find your mental chatter very loud that means your left brain is active. The key to silencing negative thoughts is to activate the right brain. The easiest way to do this is to do things that make you present, such as meditation, painting, or sculpting.

So, by following a meditation for peace, you genuinely do bring about a sense of peace into your life because it silences the loudness in your mind. But of course, this can take some practice, particularly for beginners.

Still, the more you follow a meditation for peace, the more likely you are to get better at silencing those thoughts. By incorporating right-brained activities into your day more often, you’ll bring more peace into your life. And all it takes is a quick ten-minute meditation for peace to get started.

Guided Meditations for Peace

The following clips below are samples of guided meditations for peace that you can try out for yourself. Remember, doing it once isn’t enough. You need to incorporate these activities into your morning routine until it becomes a good habit that happens automatically. You’ll find that these peace meditations range in length. You’ll find some are only ten minutes, others are fifteen, or even twenty minutes. To start, practice a ten-minute guided meditation for peace. As you become better at meditating, you can challenge yourself with longer meditations.

Guided Meditation Practice

Inner peace meditation

Take 10 minutes out of your chaotic day to find some inner peace.

Find more practices like this one in our free guided meditation app Declutter The Mind.

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How Meditation Increases Peace

1. Reduces negative emotions

Meditation practices make you more mindful. As a result, you begin to notice negative thoughts and emotions surfacing, allowing you to nip it in the bud before it begins to spiral. A meditation for peace can help you practice being mindful of your thoughts and allow you to feel the peace from being momentarily separated from them. Those who regularly practice meditation for peace are more likely to manage emotions better. After all, it all starts with your thoughts. With more control over your thoughts, managing emotions becomes easier.

2. Focuses on the present

Meditations for peace encourage you to focus on the present moment, where most of us don’t actually reside. So often, we’re glued to our minds. And what do our minds do? Time travel between the past and future, completely skipping the present. In the past, we recycle past mistakes, beating ourselves up for the things we regret doing. In the future, we’re scared, dreading a million things that could go wrong. However, in the present, we find peace. So it’s fitting that a meditation for peace would also help us experience peace because it places us in this moment in time.

3. Increases self-awareness

With meditation helping you focus on the present and reducing negative emotions, it’s only natural to become more self-aware. A guided meditation for peace makes you aware of the ways in which you disrupt your own peace. Maybe you catch yourself before saying something rude in the heat of the moment or you realize you keep hanging out with people who bring out the worst in you. Ultimately, meditation makes you more mindful allowing you to realize what you need to do to bring more peace into your life.

4. Prevents harm

December 31 isn’t just New Year’s Eve, it’s also World Peace Meditation Day. The holiday started because they found when a group of 1,000 people started meditating during a war, there was less harm done. It’s conflicting to meditate peacefully and cause harm to another human. That’s why a meditation for peace can prevent harm towards you or caused by you. How you handle a difficult situation will naturally change the more you meditate. As a result, you’ll experience more peace.

5. Increases empathy and kindness

A daily practice of guided meditation for peace is just the beginning. It’s a good habit that snowballs into a range of other habits naturally. First, you practice meditation daily. Then, you begin to become more mindful of your actions. Shortly afterwards, you start helping others more. And you might start a habit of doing good deeds or acts of kindness every day as a result. And that cycles in to bring more peace and calm into your world. The meditation practice is just the first step towards building that foundation.

How to Meditate for Peace: Guided Meditation for Peace

For those of you who are excited to try out a meditation for peace to reap the many benefits described above, consider starting with a guided meditation. A guided meditation is great for beginners who use prompts to help bring your attention to the present, so you don’t drift away with your thoughts. With more experience, you can practice without a guide and use a meditation timer instead.

Here’s an example of a quick, 10-minute meditation for peace that you can follow along to.

1. Find a quiet spot

If you’re looking for peace, it’s always a good idea to find a place of peace and quiet that you can get comfortable in. Consider a spot in a seated position, such as at a dining room table or seated on your living room couch. If you’d prefer, you can also lie down in your bed. However, please note that lying down might make you sleepy, as you’ll feel quite relaxed after ten minutes of a meditation for peace. You could even create a meditation room for yourself.

2. Make sure you’re comfortable

You can find plenty of meditation cushions online to find a comfortable place to be seated. You can stretch your body before getting seated and scratch any itches that cause discomfort. Find the best meditation posture for yourself before starting the practice, so that you can focus on your breathing instead of being distracted by discomfort.

3. Find a meditation for peace

On the Declutter The Mind app, you’ll find various peace meditations. You can find a meditation for peacefulness, inner peace, peace of mind, or just peace. Depending on how much time you have, you can find meditations for as short as ten minutes or as long as twenty. If you need a longer meditation, you can search based on the length of meditation. If something specific is troubling you, such as anxiety or sadness, you can also find meditations for those topics on the app. Listen to the meditation for peace as often as you need to. If you find tension in your body, you can replay the meditation again or choose a longer meditation until you feel that the meditation has helped you relax.

4. Live mindfully

After completing your meditation for peace, it’s time to put that relaxed and calm mind to use. Consider resolving a difficult situation differently, spend some time writing positive messages via text to friends and family, or practice self care ideas to feel the nourishment of peace in yourself. The more you do these steps, the more peaceful life will become for you. After a few months, this will become second nature for you.

Other Ways to Gain More Peace

1. Do acts of kindness

Our actions dictate whether we’ll have peace or not. While skeptics say “no good deed goes unpunished” this couldn’t be further from the truth. You can be kind to people, lift their spirits, and cheer them on, while making both of you feel good about yourselves. Kind actions typically result in less drama and stress. You’ll experience an abundance of peace by letting people in front of you in line at the grocery store, sending kind birthday wishes to Facebook friends, and leaving nice comments on videos on social media. The more you practice meditation for peace, the easier it becomes to be kind to others. Often, it’s our ruminating thoughts that cause our misbehavior.

2. Practice gratitude

Journal prompts in a gratitude journal can remind you of all the things going right in your life. Shifting our thinking from what we lack to what we possess can help us feel better about our cards in life. All of us have a mix of things that work in our favor. Making a gratitude list of all the things we’re grateful for can bring more peace into our lives. All it takes is a change in perspective. It’s not the things we lack that set us apart but who we become when we appreciate the life we’ve been blessed with.

3. Spend time in nature

Another way to gain more peace is to go for a mindful walk in nature. Being outdoors in the fresh air or crisp air, depending on the season, can awaken your senses. You’re meant to be outdoors. From gardening to walking barefoot in the yard, there are countless grounding techniques you can do that connect you to nature. A walk alone in the sun can allow you to calm your mind, think happy thoughts, and rejuvenate you. The transformative ideas that pop into our minds often occur when walking outdoors, so bring a notebook with you and experience nature’s beauty.

4. Practice deep breathing

If you’re looking for a simplified version of a meditation for peace, you can practice deep breathing. From box breathing to breathing in and out deeply for a minute, you can practice this informally in between meditation sessions or during moments of stress. You can bring about more peace by practicing deep breathing before meetings at work or anything that causes anxiety in you.

5. Listen to music

Positive songs or even songs about peace can help relax you. Finding meditation music or spa music can help relax you. Being careful with your song choice will allow you to feel a sense of peace. You can search for calming playlists on Spotify or YouTube to listen to. Music can calm you in moments of panic or anxiety. All you need to do is allow yourself to breathe calmly while listening to your favorite tunes.

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