Guided Meditation for Positive Energy

Guided Meditation for Positive Energy

Attract more positive energy into your life with this guided meditation.

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You don’t need to believe in the mystical to understand that it feels good to be around positive energy. But there’s something better than being around it, embodying it yourself. Life can drain the energy out of us sometimes, fortunately regaining our positive energy can be done easily, through our habits, actions, and by managing those pesky thoughts in our head.

What is meditation for positive energy?

A meditation for positive energy is what will help you shift your mindset when going through life’s challenges to ensure you still attract positivity into your life. Meditation helps you recognize what thoughts keep flowing in and out of your mind. Instead of ruminating on unhelpful or negative thoughts, you’ll need to help yourself by ensuring those unwanted thoughts just pass by.

There will be moments in life where positive energy seems impossible. Life can be hard sometimes. A meditation for positive energy isn’t about acting like something bad didn’t happen or minimizing your true feelings. It’s about opening your heart up to attract new and better events back into your life so you can find your inner peace.

Guided meditations for positive energy

Try out this positive energy meditation below to help you spark more positivity in your life.

Guided Meditation Practice

Meditation for Positive Energy

Find more practices like this one in our free guided meditation app Declutter The Mind.

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How meditation increases positive energy

1. Gets you into a flow state

Meditation increases positive energy by allowing you to enter a flow state. In a flow state, we lose track of time as we’re living exactly in the present moment. We are living to our fullest potential, working on things that bring us joy, and doing deep work. Those who practice a meditation for positive energy will find entering into a flow state to experience present living will be much easier for them.

2. Reduces stress

Meditation increases positive energy by reducing stress. Active meditators have lower stress levels than those who don’t meditate at all. Stress can disrupt our ability to feel positive energy. While some stress is good for us, too much of it can leave us feeling really drained. Those who meditate often can attract more positive energy by being able to better manage their stresses.

3. Makes you mindful of your thoughts

Meditation can increase positive energy by making you aware of your thoughts. Sometimes, we go down rabbit holes in our thoughts without realizing it. Our thoughts can make us feel upset or sad. And the good news is that they can make us happy too. When you start to notice how often your thoughts lean negative, you can work towards replacing negative thoughts with more positive ones. You’ll rewire your brain to think more positively. And with time, you’ll be feeling and attracting more positive energy.

How to meditate for positive energy

To meditate for positive energy, you’ll need to first find your happy place. This could be a relaxing room in your home, outside in your backyard, or in your bed.

Get into a comfortable position that’ll help you feel relaxed and comfortable. If you’re wearing tight jeans, sitting crossed legged on the floor might feel uncomfortable. If you’re wearing loose clothing, you might feel more relaxed.

Adjust yourself so you could be seated upright or lying down on your back comfortably over the course of ten to twenty minutes.  Then, you’ll want to open up your Declutter The Mind app to find a meditation for positive energy.

Throughout the duration of the meditation, you’ll want to let thoughts pass your mind naturally. Don’t give negative thoughts more attention. And don’t ruminate on negativity either.

When negative thoughts arise or if they hurt you, shift your focus on your breathing. Feel your lungs fill up and release oxygen repeatedly.

Keep track of your thoughts floating away and catch yourself when your mind starts wandering.

After completing your meditation, assess how you feel. If you feel better, you can do something kind for someone you know to keep the positive energy flowing through you.

If you found your mind was wandering too intensely, you can practice a meditation for positive energy for a few minutes longer to help you improve your energy levels.

The negativity epidemic

All it takes is for one negative person to enter an environment to bring people’s moods down. It could be a difficult coworker, a friend facing a difficult situation, or a person who spends all of their time comparing themselves to others.

The negativity epidemic is caused by a lot of factors: genetics, social media, poor diet, poor sleep, and a lack of education around how to manage emotions.

Most people spend their time on social media comparing their lives with other people. They watch videos of people who live life on the edge, go on vacations, and experiment with different experiences. Most people only show the good things going on in their lives instead of what’s wrong. So, in a sense, we feel like everyone online is doing great and we’re not.

Then, there’s also a lack of healthy living happening with more people consuming processed foods and sugars than ever before. And that in turn disrupts sleep, mental health, and more. If our brain isn’t getting the fuel it needs to perform its best, how can we control our moods?

And then, of course, most people aren’t taught in schools how to heal from trauma, bad days, breakups, and more.

Fortunately, the brain is neuroplastic, and you can rewire your brain to shift your mindset from negative to positive. A positive energy meditation could be a good starting point for that shift to take place.

The benefits of positive energy meditation

1. Better control over emotions

A positive energy meditation can help you have better control over your emotions. People who meditate have better emotional regulation in general. When we meditate and focus on attracting positive energy, we naturally become more positive. When things go wrong as they often do, we won’t fall apart or react in an angry outburst. We’ll feel more level-headed and ready to tackle the challenge.

2. Improve how the brain thinks

A positive energy meditation will improve how the brain thinks. We’re biologically wired to think negatively, as it’s helped generations of people survive dangerous situations. Today, there are no wild animals threatening to kill us and the dangers around us are minimal. When we think negatively, our energy is often much more intense. It can drastically drain people and push people away from us. When we’re actively doing positive energy meditations, we’re rewiring our brains to think more positively so we can attract more good things.

3. Develop more compassion

A positive energy meditation can help you develop more compassion. When you channel more positive energy into your life, you’ll be able to spread that positivity towards others. You’ll become aware of how much people will need your love, kindness, and positivity.

Other ways to increase positive energy

1. Do acts of kindness

You can pair your positive energy meditation with daily acts of kindness to really surround yourself with more positive energy. What we give to the world is what we get back. But it’s not always 1 to 1. Sometimes, we do an act of kindness for a stranger, and another person completely does something kind to us. The more good deeds we do towards others, the better we become at recognizing the kind gestures others do around us. And we’ll be better able to not only recognize it but be open enough to receive it with our hearts. Being kind to others also makes us feel so good about ourselves, not in an ego way but in a “I really am trying my best to do the right thing” sort of way. Growing as a person will elevate your positive energy too.

2. Practice gratitude

When we look at all the ways we fall short, our fixed mindsets make us feel stuck and unable to recognize that we can actually become better with time. Those who develop an attitude of gratitude and name all of the amazing and wonderful things, people, and lessons life has gifted us with will feel more positive energy in their lives. A person who looks at a glass as half empty will always feel like they’re lacking, whereas a person who is glass half full will better savor and appreciate every drop life gives them.

3. Take breaks

Our energy can be transformed and displaced. If you find your positive energy depleting around a certain person or while working on something unfulfilling, it might be a sign to take a break. Maybe that means taking a personal day from work. Or maybe it means spending less time with a difficult person. Recharging your energy is necessary. People need rest, sleep, and downtime. Taking breaks to be alone or have some time for yourself isn’t a bad thing. It’s a necessity. Some people lose their energy naturally just by being around people, even if those people are wonderful. We all need a break from pushing too hard and from socialization.

4. Watch funny content

Laughing is crucial if we want to feel more positive energy. As babies, we laughed hundreds of times a day. As we get older, we laugh less and less. There are many funny moments life offers if we look on the bright side of things. When watching funny content, we should avoid watching content that makes jokes at someone’s expense. After all, making someone else feel bad to make us feel good is not really attracting the positive energy we actually want. But there’s tons of uplifting and hilarious content we can consume. By engaging with our more playful side, we can find humor in our daily lives.

5. Speak kindly to others

When we’re feeling stressed or anxious, it’s crucial to take a break and practice a meditation for positive energy. After all, how many times have we spoken poorly to someone because we were feeling off or having a bad day? When we’re intentional about how we communicate with others, we can improve our moods and well-being. When we speak kindly, people will often speak kindly back to us. And we exchange positive energy with one another. However, when we speak negatively, we get negative energy back.

6. Smile often

A subtle way to draw more positive energy around yourself is to smile. The energy you share with your smile will be contagious. When you flash a smile at a stranger, they’ll send one back your way. If you feel happy on the inside, your smile will radiate it attracting more positive energy your way. It takes some practice to get used to, but you can use your smile to draw good energy to you.

7. Build your character

You can’t control everything in your life, but you can control your reactions, your behavior, and yourself. Those who value personal development will always ask themselves, “How can I be a better person?” or “How can I be a better version of myself?” When you’re constantly on a quest to improve yourself, you’ll eventually get to a point where you’re really happy with the person you’ve become. When you feel good about yourself, you’ll naturally exude more positive energy. Knowing that you’re working hard to develop your character and live well can be enough to kill our ego, which drags us down.

8. Find meaning in life

When faced with trauma and hardship, the one thing that can keep our minds balanced is finding meaning in life. For some that means following a religion and for others it means helping others. When choosing your path towards a meaningful life, be true to who you are instead of who you are expected to be. When your path towards meaning is reflective of your true nature you’ll find positive energy comes to you as you’re living in accordance with nature.

9. Take care of your health

Getting a good night’s sleep, eating a healthy diet, and exercising regularly all play a role in our wellbeing. When we’re not doing these things, we’ll feel off balance and it’ll be harder to attract positive energy. When we sleep poorly, our grogginess changes our energy. When our health isn’t going well, our low energies can make us snap at people we care about. When we don’t exercise, we’re not releasing the tension and stress in our days. Taking care of your health to ensure you’re living to your potential is crucial to attracting more positive energy.

10. Spend time with positive people

And, let’s end on an obvious note. When you surround yourself with positive and kind-hearted people, you’ll bring more positive energy into your life. You’ll notice very obviously when someone drags your energy down, and you’ll instinctively want to avoid those people. When we’re around good people, we feel good too. Positivity does spread from one person to the next. So, if you want to increase positive energy, hang out with people who have good vibes and live happy lives.

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