I Need a Break: 10 Things to Do to Take A Break

March 22, 2025


Sometimes we need a break from life. So whether you need to take a breather from your job or want to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, these tips will help you get the break you need to relieve stress and improve your mental health. After all, we all need to recharge our batteries now and then. When you feel like you're losing interest in things you enjoy, have bad eating habits, and are experiencing a worsening mental health, it's time to say "I need a break." In this article, we'll share a few of the ways you can practice self care ideas to give yourself enough breaks to manage your high stress levels and overcome a hard time.

When Does Burnout Happen?

When you're feeling burned out, it's a sign that your body is running low on energy. Your mind and body work overtime to keep up with everything life throw at you. Over time, this extra effort can lead to physical exhaustion, emotional exhaustion, and a lack of motivation.

Burnout doesn't happen overnight. It occurs over time due to too much stress or pressure to succeed. Although it may feel like you're the only one who feels this way, burnout is widespread - especially in high-pressure jobs or professions requiring long hours and lots of travel.

time to take a break

10 Things To Do When You Need a Break

1. Go off social media

If you're struggling to stay on top of your work or feel like you constantly have to be available for other people, it may be time to consider taking a social media detox. While social media can be a source of connection and support, it can also become an overwhelming distraction. If your loved ones are posting things that trigger you or make you feel bad about yourself, it's important not to let their posts lead you into negative thinking spirals. Getting off social media is a self care practice that helps reduce stress, by eliminating the competition that arises from comparing yourself to others. Taking care of yourself means looking at getting your needs met, without any outside influence.

2. Meditate

Guided meditation is a practice that can help you de-stress, relax, and calm the mind. In addition to these benefits of meditation, it has been shown to alleviate anxiety, depression, and insomnia.

When you realize "I need a break" consider trying a meditation on the Declutter The Mind app. This free app allows you to find countless meditations for any situation. Maybe you're feeling anxious, so you try a guided meditation for anxiety. Or you're experiencing a bit of chaos in your life, so you're looking for a guided meditation for relaxation. You can follow along to the soothing voice on the Declutter The Mind YouTube channel if you prefer watching videos instead of downloading an app.

You can meditate at odd hours or hit pause at any time. You can meditate for as little as five minutes or as long as an hour. A good indicator that you've meditated for a long enough time is to notice if the feelings in your body are more relaxed. You might notice your stomach isn't feeling tense after a twenty minute meditation. That way you can measure the effectiveness of your breaks.

3. Hang out with loved ones

When we're feeling down, it's easy to become introverted and reclusive. But this is precisely the opposite of what you should do. The people you spend time with can significantly impact your mood and overall well-being.

Spending time with loved ones, who care about you and want nothing but the best for you, can help lift your spirits and give you perspective on the situation at hand. Plus, being around happy people will make it less likely that negative thoughts will creep into your mind.

Getting additional support can be hard, but spending time with family is usually an easy thing to do. Having a good support system in your family can help aid your self care and improve your well being, especially when you finally take a break. Plus, it's cheaper than therapy services.

4. Spend the weekend in a different environment

You don't have to travel far or spend a lot of money to leave town for a day or two. Going somewhere new in your city can be just as effective. If you usually spend your weekends at home, try going elsewhere for a change of scenery. For example, you could head to a park in another part of town or go downtown instead of uptown this time. Maybe even visit an old friend who lives outside the city and whom you haven't seen in a while.

There are also many ways to meet new people who share similar interests as yourself if you find that you have a limited circle. For starters, there are online dating apps like Tinder, community events such as concerts or festivals, and local clubs where members can connect over shared interests.

When you need a break, getting away from a computer and going somewhere for a night to create a unique moment in your life can help you unwind. Plus, if you spend time with people who accept you, it'll be easier to rest and stop feeling overwhelmed.

i need a break

5. Read a book

Reading is a great way to take a break from life and experience a mental escape. You can read about anything you want, and it's easier than ever to find something you're interested in. If you don't have time to read every day, try reading a few pages before bed to help you unwind in the evening. It will get your mind off what happened during the day and help you relax before returning to reality again.

When selecting books for this purpose, pick the ones that interest you. If any topics or genres really grab your attention, look for books on those topics as opposed to random ones. If you tend to watch tv, choose to read a book instead. It doesn't need to be serious about data or motivation, you can read books about relationships, good stories, or anything fun that helps develop your imagination.

6. Declutter your space

If you're feeling overwhelmed by your surroundings, decluttering your home can be a great way to clear your mind and allow yourself some peace and quiet. Start small by focusing on one room at a time.

It's best to start by removing old paper and junk, donating clothes that are no longer in vogue or have worn out through frequent use, organizing items into categories, and finally cleaning up surfaces to make them look neater. A clean space will help you feel less stressed when you come home after a long day at work. Most importantly, it makes you feel more put-together and organized in your mind.

While cleaning and organizing doesn't really seem like something to do when you want to take a break, it can create a more positive atmosphere at home that is conducive to relaxation. Plus, you can listen to music while you clean. A clean space can do wonders when you're dealing with a difficult person or when you show signs that you suffer from poor mental health. It can absolutely help you relax, at least once it's done.

declutter your space for mental health

7. Spend time on what you love

If you're feeling stressed about life, your mind will be racing with intrusive thoughts of what could happen if you don't get your work done. And while it might feel impossible to take a break when you have so much work to do, taking time away from the things that make you feel stressed is what you need to refresh yourself and return renewed.

Whether dancing in your living room or learning something new, spending time on what makes you happy allows you to take a step back from your responsibilities and recharge by doing something you enjoy most. It should never be something you feel guilty doing because that's the very thing that will rejuvenate you.

8. Make art

You can make art in any medium you like. If you're unsure where to start, consider drawing, painting, sculpting, or photography. The important thing is that you enjoy it and don't worry about what other people think of your work.

When you need a break from life, use your love for writing as an outlet by creating short stories about your favorite characters from TV shows or movies. It helps you process what's going on in your head when you write these stories down instead of just thinking about them repeatedly without any release.

Whether it's writing a blog post or sketching something out on the back of a napkin at brunch with friends-the important part is making time for yourself each day so that you can feel refreshed when it comes time to climb back into reality later on down the line.

relaxation activities

9. Physical activity

Exercise is a known mood booster, and there are many different ways you can take advantage of this. For example, you can go for a walk, jog, or run with friends. Even when exercising alone, this releases endorphins and dopamine into your body, which are known as happy hormones. In other words, it recharges you and makes you feel better. Try this mindful walking exercise.

If the weather isn't cooperating or running isn't your thing, try doing an online workout at home instead. Also, many people find that listening to music helps them focus more on their exercise routine than working out silently. Music also has healing powers that can help lift your spirits when things get tough. Plus, exercise gives you a boost so it becomes mentally easier to do monotonous tasks.

And while you're at it practice mindful eating habits, skipping meals to lose weight isn't always the right thing to do. All that matters is that you're having a balanced diet.

10. Get rest

Sleep is one of the most vital parts of a healthy lifestyle. It's essential to get enough sleep, and it's also important not to sleep too much. A good sleep schedule will help you feel refreshed in the morning, which means that you'll be able to tackle your day with more energy than if you were under-rested or over-rested. Aim for eight hours a night, and try to go to bed earlier in the night, if possible to help you wake up naturally.

getting rest


When you need to take a break, you don't need to find peer reviewed studies of the best activities to do. All you need to do is think about what helps you relax and unwind. You don't always need the services of a therapist to manage your stress, sometimes you just need to call a time out, especially when you've reached a boiling point. Your health matters. So look out for the sign that tells you "I need a break," so you can actually enhance yourself when feeling overwhelmed. It's time to rest now, get to it.