An effective performance review is an integral part of almost every organization. The purpose of the review is to establish a transparent conversation with the employees. In short, the performance review is a report card help identify the strengths and weaknesses of employees. Although it might seem a regular task for HR professionals, the approach should be the right way. Both parties have information to share. Moreover, asking performance review questions is about gathering feedback from the employees.

These questions help find detailed information on the employee’s approach to the company and work. In addition, the review helps how employees feel about their manager and the team.

What is a performance review?

Simply put, a performance review is a personalized assessment of an employee. Managers or HR professionals assess an employee’s work performance in terms of their strengths and weaknesses. Besides, asking the right questions help both the employees and managers to make the most out of the review.

Based on the review, managers can offer proper feedback to the employees and assist with project management tools. As a result, employees can work more efficiently and increase the organization’s productivity. However, the performance review process’s depth and frequency vary from company to company.

Generally, it depends on the evaluations, goals, and company size. Therefore, an effective performance review of an employee, and the best performance review questions, achieves the outcomes listed below.

  • Highlight the goals the employee achieved and has missed during a specific period
  • Help identify employee strengths and weaknesses.
  • Allow the employee to revisit their achievements
  • Help establish a connection between the company and employee goals
  • Help an employee find out the root cause of their failure
  • Brings out grievances
  • Encourage change or improvement in the organization

What is the importance of performance reviews?

Two women in an office having a discussion during a break

There is no denying that performance reviews of employees help evaluate how they are fulfilling the company’s expectations. That way, the employees can make significant changes and expand their strengths. In addition, the review help employees benefit from honest, open feedback.

As such, they know where they stand in the organization. Besides, they feel more satisfied and motivated at work. Employees who receive consistent and accurate feedback feel more confident in their jobs.

In addition, employees who feel that the management heard their voice are more likely to do their work efficiently. Moreover, performance review feedback help evaluate the gaps and achievements in their work.

That way, they can feel that extra energy to make improvements. Therefore, when you ask the right questions to your employees, it empowers them to achieve unmatched performance.

Questions that employers can use for performance reviews

Two women having a walking meeting in an office

A great performance review is more than having feedback. For a better understanding of how employees work in your organization and to make the evaluation effective, use these performance review questions.

1. Does your role help the company achieve its goals?

It is crucial to align the company goals with employees. About half of an organization’s employees don’t know why they are working. When you ask this evaluation question, you get an idea about employee understanding of the role. And how they can drive company performance.

2. Where do you get the motivation to do the best work?

For employers, it is crucial to know the environment where employees tend to perform their best. For example, regular feedback makes some employees perform better, whereas others get motivation through stretched assignments.

Therefore, whatever the responses are, take note of the same. In addition, make the work experience better considering their motivating factors.

3. Why do you like your role?

Important performance review questions helps you understand the aspects that make the employee’s role challenging, engaging, or fun. Also, it enables you to identify how well-suited the employees are regarding their roles.

It is always great when employees have more than one thing they like about their role. Nevertheless, if they don’t, ask them a follow-up question about their dislikes.

4. What is your experience with the team?

Interaction with team members is another important aspect of increased productivity. Asking your employees about the team helps discover potential negatives.

An excellent team resolves issues, generate new ideas, and collaborates effectively. If it is negative feedback, offer certain team-building activities or training.

5. What is your greatest accomplishment?

Asking this question helps uncover how employees see their value in the organization. Besides, they will explain where they have excelled. True work accomplishment gets reflected through acting collaboratively and showing leadership.

6. What are your achievements so far? And, what have you missed?

Every discussion around performance must be a review of accomplishments. Moreover, it should review where the employees stand when fulfilling the goals.

Hence, when you discuss hits and misses specifically, you tend to make sure about the real achievements. Also, it encourages the employee about the work that lies ahead.

7. In what areas do you think that you perform better?

You can ask this question to determine how employees view their abilities. Besides, some employees may feel they have the right skill in a certain area. But the company didn’t understand the capabilities and made the employee work in another sector.

The best part is that employees present you with the opportunity where they can grow. Studies show that poor performance is often due to the wrong placement of employees.

8. Where do you want to see yourself next year or quarter?

It is good to discuss accomplishments with your employees. However, it is equally essential to ensure that both of you are on the same page regarding future goals. Performance review questions should help you get alignment with the folks on your team.

When employees prioritize their goals and deliver the same, it allows them to talk about their thoughts. In short, they want to discuss what they like to achieve both in their careers and as a role in your company.

9. How do you plan to achieve your goals?

No doubt, future goals are set depending on achievements. When you ask this question to an employee, it helps you verify whether or not they are setting high targets. In addition, asking for an action plan ensures that the employee knows how to achieve their goals.

10. What resources and tools do you need to achieve your goals?

While employees may have work competencies and required skill sets, they might need resources such as budget, etc., to attain their goals. Chances are that they want something that the organization previously overlooked.

Knowing what they need to bring out the best will help your organization to scale. Remember that an employee knows something about the missing piece of the puzzle.

11. What position in the company do you want to be next?

To know whether an employee’s current performance supports your company goals, ask this question. Discussing career aspirations with employees is another aspect of your organization.

When employees discuss ways to elevate their performance to reach the next position, you can talk about areas for improvement. Also, you can discuss possible promotions as well.

12. Is there anything that poses a threat to your improvement?

Employee performance review is a forward-thinking process that includes a summary of past performance. Sometimes employees want to learn a new technology or process. Or they need to improve their soft skills.

Whatever the reason, you can discuss with your employees how to address these areas. For example, you can offer mentoring, training, or other opportunities.

13. What do you need from the organization to help you achieve your goals?

Employees and organizations depend on each other when it is about success. The employees contribute to the overall growth of the company.

Likewise, the company should listen to their employees regarding competencies, training, or support required to achieve great results. Apart from that, addressing your employees’ issues also increases employee retention.

14. Are you happy with your team?

The key to any organization’s success is teamwork. Improving employee engagement is all about making them feel heard. When you ask this question to an employee, it allows them to talk about their experience of being a part of the team. Besides, you get to know how friendly the team is towards achieving company goals. Also, you know how supportive the team members are.

15. Are you comfortable with the company’s corporate culture?

While you may know the company’s work environment for yourself, knowing how other employees feel is crucial. For example, there might be underlying issues inside the organization that only a few employees know about.

Knowing about the issues you didn’t know about earlier is good. Furthermore, if they have concrete steps to resolve the issue, it is a win-win situation for the company.

16. Do you have concerns or issues that need urgent attention?

Frequently, there are certain things that an employee wants to discuss, and they don’t fall under a specific category. So asking this question gives them the opportunity for a friendly discussion.

The question helps employees express what they believe could contribute to the company’s growth. For example, it might be a topic that needs more attention.