83 items found

Showing results for: Meditation Tips
a close up of a person holding a cell phone.

Doomscrolling: What It Is and How to Stop It

Scrolling through social media is no longer just about watching your friend's family vacation or posting photos of your fantastic…

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a man sitting on a blanket next to a picnic basket.

Things to Do on Your Lunch Break: 14 Productive Ways to Make Better Use of Your Time

You have probably heard the notion that time is precious. That would mean that we should think carefully about how…

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a man standing on top of a lush green hillside.

Why Am I So Negative? How to Turn off Negativity

Being negative is something you learn. If yes, possibly there was some event in your life that marked you, and…

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a man standing in a field next to a large tree.

Mindful Living: 16 Ways to Live Mindfully in 2023

We should all strive to live mindfully. Mindful living helps us focus on the present moment instead of hanging out…

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a group of balloons flying in the sky.

How To Let Things Go: 8 Ways to Move On

We've all have experienced physical and emotional pain at some point in our lives. It's completely human to feel frustrated…

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a woman sitting on a rock next to the ocean.

You Are Not Your Thoughts: What That Means and Why It’s True

"You are your thoughts." We have all heard of this saying at least once in our lifetime. Sadly, some of…

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