Mental Health Blog

Meditation, mindfulness, and self-improvement content. New articles published every Tuesday and Thursday.
a book shelf filled with lots of books.

15 Heart-warming Life Lessons You Should Learn Today

Life lessons learned early allow you to make the most of your life by not repeating the big mistakes people…

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two people walking in a field holding hands.

How to Help Someone with Anxiety When You Don’t Have It

Helping someone with anxiety when you don’t have it can be a hard task. You can’t provide empathy because you…

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a man walking across a suspension bridge over a river.

Live In the Moment: 10 Ways to Live In the Present

Live in the moment where being present allows you to enjoy life. Life isn’t meant to be lived in the…

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an unmade bed with white sheets and pillows.

Thanatophobia: What is Death Anxiety and How to Overcome It

Most of us probably don't like to talk about death. Although we all know that death is inevitable, there can…

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a couple of people walking down a dirt road.

Empathy vs Sympathy: What’s the difference?

We all have heard or used the words empathy and sympathy at some point. And while some of us use…

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a person with their arms up in the air.

Feeling Defeated? 15 Things to Help You Overcome Defeat

Feeling defeated? It’s normal to feel defeated when we lose something we went after hard. Life has a funny way…

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