Mental Health Blog

Meditation, mindfulness, and self-improvement content. New articles published every Tuesday and Thursday.
a man and a woman sitting on a couch smiling.

15 Tips for Building a Healthy Relationship that Lasts

The difference between a healthy relationship and an unhealthy one boils down to the values. The values you look for…

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a woman sitting on a dock looking out at the water.

How to Deal With A Breakup

There are two ways to deal with a breakup: the healthy way and the unhealthy way. The unhealthy way to…

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a man holding a baseball bat while wearing a volunteer t - shirt.

13 Ideas to Start Paying It Forward in 2023

The Pay It Forward movement is an international initative to spread kindness and compassion to others in our daily interactions…

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a woman sitting in a yoga pose with a dog.

13 Reasons Why You Are Worthy

You are worthy. You might not always feel like you are, though. People may even actively make you feel the…

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a woman sitting on top of a stone wall.

13 Ways to Embrace New Beginnings in 2023

As a new year is about to start, it's time to reflect on our past and make way for new…

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a view of the inside of a building through a window.

Focused meditation: What Is It, Benefits, and Tips

In a meditation practice, having a focal point can help you stay present. After all, sitting quietly and focusing on…

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